“The four quarterlies of 2018 compose the second series of the trilogy known as Transforming Vision into Reality (TVR). The first series (2017) provided a detailed study of the ten-point vision of a vibrant 21st-century church. This year we’ll explore our spiritual journey of trust and surrender, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform this vision into our reality.”
from the Rescue and Restoration introduction:
“In this quarterly, Rescue and Restoration, we continue our journey of exploring Jesus as our Savior. Together, we’ll walk through twelve familiar Old Testament stories and see a loving God rescuing and restoring men and women with common yet diverse needs who turn to Him for help. We’ll also find parallels to these stories in the New Testament as Jesus, God’s one and only Son, reveals the Father’s love, giving His life to rescue a fallen world and restoring those who trust in Him.”
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